Service Contact Details
Please contact the Hospital Admission Risk Program (HARP)
83 Baillie Street Horsham Vic 3400
Ph: 03 5381 9022
Service Description/Overview
The group is an exercise and education program that will help you understand Chronic Heart Failure and reduce the risk of being hospitalised. The sessions run once per week for 8 weeks and aims to help you, your family and carers better understand chronic heart disease and its treatments.
The sessions offer advice to help you manage this condition, improve your physical activity and answer some questions often asked by people with Chronic Heart Failure.
Additional Information
Staff involved in this service include:
Registered Nurse
Occupational Therapist
Exercise Physiologist
No fee applies
Area Serviced
People who have Chronic Heart Failure and their carers.
You can contact us directly and self refer or ask your doctor or other health professionals to refer you to the group.