Service Contact DetailsHand Therapy Pic OT

Arapiles Building

83 Baillie St,  Horsham,  Vic,  3400 

Tel: 03 5381 9333     Fax: 03 5381 9330

Service Description/Overview

Provides assistance for anyone who has difficulty with everyday activites due to illness, accident, emotional problems, learning or developmental disorders, or ageing. The service covers all aspects of day to day living, including self-care, leisure and vocational activities. Clients may be helped to relearn old skills or learn new ways of doing things.

The Department has a variety of equipment, available to hire, to assist with daily living, including shower seats, over-toilet seats, commodes and manual wheelchairs. Hire is dependent on service eligibility.

Hand Therapy ServiceThis specialist service provides assistance for individuals suffering from conditions affecting the hands and upper limb.

This service can provide rehabilitation following accidents or trauma resulting in wounds, scars, burns, injured tendons or nerves, fractures or amputations of the hand/upper arm. Other conditions that can be assisted within this service may include carpal tunnel syndrome, tennis elbow, sporting or workplace injuries, as well as chronic problems such as arthritis or a neurological condition (i.e. stroke).

Treatments may include development of home exercise programs for strengthening, increase range of motion or reducing pain; fitting of customized splints or casts; hands on interventions (i.e. dry needling, massage, joint mobilization).

Additional Information

8am - 4.30pm, Mon - Fri, for enquiries


Public fees apply for appointments and equipment (i.e. splints) if required.
Please contact Intake worker or Allied Health Reception regarding further fee information.

Area Serviced

Wimmera region


No referral required.