gabross 1633 2 

Antenatal class

The Childbirth Education Program provides ante-natal classes to assist mothers and their partners to prepare for the birth of their child and parenting.
- Wednesday evenings (4 per month) 6:30pm - 8:30pm via Zoom
- Phone: 5381 9010 or book in at your booking in appointment

Online Classes for Expectant Parents 

With WHCG Midwife Leah Askew

Week 1
Part one
Part two

Week 2
Part one
Part two


Useful Information

Useful Links


Breastfeeding Support

Service provides antenatal and postnatal information and support for breastfeeding, telephone counselling and breastfeeding information classes.
- Class – 1pm-3pm, once a month on a Wednesday or Friday in the Arapiles Building or 1:1 appointments available
- Phone: 5381 9393

For more breastfeeding information and resources please visit Breastfeeding Support.


Domicilary Midwife

The Domicilary Midwife will visit the home of mothers following discharge from hospital. Available to all mothers and infants. The midwives provide the domicilary postnatal service with current skills in the care of mothers and newborn infants.
- Booking in appointment
- Phone: 5381 9010

Birthing tour

While COVID restrictions remain in place, we are unable to allopw exepectant parents a tour of Yandilla (matwernity ward) prior to the birth of their child. We have instead provided a virtual tour,. Please note: the video has no sound. Click on the link ...